The Association shall be known as “The
Jaffna Hindu College Old Boys Association”
(United Kingdom), hereinafter referred to as
“the Association”and would be known
as JHC OBA (UK).
To promote goodwill, unity and co-operation
among the members of the Association and the
2.2 To foster a close and cordial
relationship between the members of the Association
and maintain a sense of loyalty to the college
and fellowship with one another.
To participate and assist in projects designed
for the benefit of the college.
To maintain links and co-ordinate activities
with other OBA’s in the UK that has similar
aims and objectives and it seems fit.
To organise social gatherings, sports activities,
concerts, seminars, film shows and tours to
achieve the aims and objectives of the Association.
To maintain an up to date directory of all known
past pupil and staff living in the UK.
To collect funds for the association, which
shall be derived from the annual subscriptions,
donations and such other sources as the Management
Committee determines, and in a manner not inconsistent
with the objectives of the Association.
To undertake and carry out any other activities
as may be necessary to further best interest
and welfare of the Alma mater.
To undertake, carry out and support charity
activities, humanitarian projects and voluntary
work as may be necessary to further the interests
and general welfare:
Tamil Schools in Homeland.
Tamil speaking people in Tamil speaking areas;
provided the participation in this activity
is initiated by the Management Committee and
approved by two thirds majority of the Members
of the Management Committee and Patrons.
To hail and highlight the achievements of any
past or present pupil or staff of the college,
in life or in death, and on gaining positions
of high standing and respect.
Food and drinks served during the course of
all activities shall be purely vegetarian and
alcohol free in line with the college ethos.
Membership of the Association shall be open
(i) All past pupils of Jaffna
Hindu College residing in the UK.
(ii) All past members of the
staff of Jaffna Hindu College residing in the
3.2 A person applying for membership
shall undertake to subscribe towards the objectives
of the association and agreed to be bound by
its rules as set out in this constitution.
Application shall be made in writing and shall
be in such form as the Management Committee
may from time to time prescribe.
The secretary shall officially inform applicants
of the outcome of their application for membership
together with their membership number where
The secretary shall keep an up to date register
of all members.
The membership shall be of three classes, viz.
Ordinary 2. Life 3. Honorary
ORDINARY MEMBERSHIP. All past pupils of the
college may be enroled, as ordinary members
of the Association upon payment of an annual
subscription and on acceptance of the management
MEMBERSHIP FOR LIFE. Any person entitled to
ordinary membership upon payment of a lump sum
equivalent to ten times the annual subscription
shall hold membership for life and be exempt
from payment of the annual subscription thereafter.
HONORARY MEMBERSHIP. Any person who rendered
valuable service to the College or the Association
may on the recommendation of the Committee of
Management be appointed as an honorary member
at an annual general meeting of the Association.
Each member is entitled for one vote except
the honorary member.
A member of the management committee in breach
of the constitution may have the membership
suspended for a specific period subject to approval
by the members at the annual general meeting
Every ordinary member shall pay an annual subscription
and or a lump sum, which shall be determined
from time to time by the management committee
and approved by the members at the annual general
meeting. The subscription shall be paid on or
before 31st August each year. Any member who
pays a lump sum not less than ten times the
annual subscription shall become a member for
life of the association
Only members who pay the subscription would
become eligible to vote at any meetings of the
Association and those not in arrears are eligible
for election.
The association at its AGM out of names shall
nominate up to five Patrons of Old Boys and
others who have rendered outstanding and invaluable
services to Jaffna Hindu College or the association.
Any member who wishes to propose such a person
shall forward the credentials of that person
to the Secretary 14 days before the date of
the AGM
The management committee shall consider each
proposal at its merit and present the names
at the AGM with their recommendations for the
5.4 The patrons shall be appointed
for four years or two terms from the date of
adoption by the association
The office-bearers of the Association shall
be a President Ex-officio, a President Executive,
a vice President, a Secretary, an Asst. Secretary,
a Treasurer, an Asst. Treasurer and seven Committee
Members, one of who shall be the outgoing President/Secretary
or Treasurer.
6.2 A
member who has subscribed to the association
for at least two years shall become eligible
to be elected to the management committee. In
addition, a minimum of two years or one term
of working experience in the management committee
and or as a Patron is required for election
to the posts of President, Vice President, Secretary
and the Treasurer and shall have sufficient
credentials to hold such posts.
6.3 The Principal of the Jaffna
Hindu College shall be the President Ex-Officio.
All the Office bearers, except the President
Ex-officio, shall be elected at the Annual General
Meeting from amongst the members of the Association.
6.5 An Honorary internal Auditor
shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
The newly elected body shall become functional
as of 1st November each year and after a joint
meeting of the incoming and outgoing committees
convened as soon as possible and any event not
later than four weeks from the date of AGM for
the specific purpose of transferring the powers
and responsibilities to the new committee. During
the transition period, the newly elected office
bearers may attend the committee meetings as
An interim committee may be elected at a special
general meeting, which needs ratification at
the next available AGM
The term of the office bearers shall be two
years from the date of election/ ratification
at the AGM.
The President, Secretary and Treasurer may not
hold the same office for more than two consecutive
All the meetings of the Association and of the
management committee will be presided by the
President Executive or in his absence by the
Vice President.
The Secretary shall be responsible for:
Maintaining a register of members containing
full name, addresses, telephone numbers and
E-mail addresses of each member.
Recording, maintaining and making available
up to date minutes of the general meetings of
the association and meetings of the Committee
of Management.
Maintaining proper and adequate records of all
information including the annual reports, inventories
and all other information and documents in relation
to the Association.
Informing all members of major activities of
the association by post or e-mail.
Attend to all relevant correspondence of the
association and as directed by the management
The Treasurer shall receive and keep:
a) Full and correct accounts
of all funds belonging to the Association and
shall make such payments as authorised by the
Committee of Management. All receipt of funds
and payments shall be recorded in an expenditure/income
book and printed in the name of the association
for such purpose..
b) He may pay any payments
as deemed necessary not exceeding £200
subject to the approval of the Management Committee
at a subsequent meeting. A petty cash book shall
be in operation for this purpose.
c) Any expenditure over £200
at any one occasion requires prior approval
from the management committee.
d) He shall assist the internal
auditor with all necessary documents as when
they are required for effective auditing of
the accounts.
The management of the Association shall be vested
in a committee consisting of the aforesaid office
bearers. The committee would be responsible
for forming, planning strategic policies for
the betterment of the association in accordance
with the objectives and directive of the association.
They shall promote maximum co-operation and
co-ordination amongst the members of the association
and committee members.
Quorum of a duly convened meeting of the committee
of Management shall be seven.
The Secretary shall convene a meeting of the
Committee of Management whenever necessary or
at the request of the President Executive or
on a written requisition signed by not less
than seven members of the committee. He shall
give at least seven days notice of such meeting
to every member of the committee.
Any office bearer, except the Patrons and President
Ex-officio, who fails to attend three consecutive
committee meetings without valid reasons shall
be deemed to have vacated his post.
The Committee of Management shall have the power
to fill any vacancy that might occur in that
body before the next Annual General Meeting.
The Annual General Meeting shall be summoned
by the Secretary upon the direction of the President
and or the management committee in the early
part of October each year.
8.2 The secretary shall give
notice in writing at least 21 days prior to
the effective date and should be circulated
to all members.
8.3 Thirty members (30) shall
constitute a quorum at the general meeting.
8.4 The current or outgoing
President or, in his absence the current or
the outgoing Vice-President, shall normally
preside at the AGM.
8.5 In the event of the President
or the Vice-President being unable to preside,
Chairperson Pro Tempera shall be elected.
8.6 No person seeking election
to the President shall preside during the election
of the President.
8.7 The agenda for the AGM
shall include the following items:-
Welcome Speech by the President
8.7.2 Adoption of the minutes
of the previous annual / special general meeting.
8.7.3 A report of the management
committee and the association presented by the
8.7.4 Adoption of annual statement
of audited accounts year ending 31st August
each year together with a budget forecast for
the following year presented by the Treasurer
8.7.5 Address by the President.
8.7.6 Election of Office Bearers
( and appointment of Patrons when necessary)
8.7.7 Election of an internal
8.7.8 Resolutions.
Any other Business
Notice of any resolution to be tabled at the
Annual General Meeting should reach the Secretary
at least fourteen days before the meeting. Notices
received after this date may nevertheless be
accepted at the discretion of the Committee
of Management. Any resolution received shall
be discussed in the Committee Meeting prior
to the AGM and the committee may recommend to
the members either to accept it or reject it.
The Secretary
either at the request of the Committee of Management
or on a requisition signed by not less than
forty members (40) shall call Special General
Meeting. Notice of the Special General Meeting
shall be given at least fourteen days in advance.
Thirty (30) members shall constitute a quorum
at the Special General Meeting.
The Committee of Management shall have the power
to appoint sub-committees as and when necessary
but their function will be confined to the specific
purpose for which a sub-committee was set up.
The sub-committees will be responsible to the
Committee of Management.
10.2 The Committee of Management
shall appoint two of the members to be responsible
for the Association’s sports activities.
Such members shall report to the committee of
management of their activities at every committee
11.0 FUNDS:
11.1 The
funds of the Association shall be invested or
lodged in the name of the Association with any
bank/banks or building society/societies in
the UK as determined by the Committee of Management.
The account/accounts with the bank/banks and/or
building Society/Societies shall be operated
by the Treasurer and either the President executive
or Secretary. Any two out of three signatures
either from the Treasurer, the Secretary or
the President are required to withdraw funds
from the Bank Account.
11.2 The
funds collected through the life membership
shall be invested in a separate high interest
bank account, life membership account. The funds
from this account shall not be withdrawn without
the approval by a special resolution by the
members at AGM.
The interest earned on the Life membership account
shall be transferred to the current Account
for the use of administrative expenses.
The funds collected to special projects under
Clause 2.9 shall be deposited in the Association’s
account in such a manner that the amounts are
easily identifiable or kept in a separate account
of the Association. The fund shall be disposed
off in accordance with the objective set and
whenever required.
The Auditor shall on a termly basis;
a) Carry out audits of the
accounts for accuracy, legitimacy of expenses,
approval in principal and for compliance to
association rules.
b) Audit of Income and Expenditure
accounts. The scope of audit shall cover check
on invoices, ticket sales, petty cash vouchers
and authorisation.
Partnerships may
be formed with Jaffna Hindu Ladies College and
Jaffna Hindu Primary Schools. These partnerships
will be on a specific project/activity basis,
and shall expire when a predetermined conclusion
is reached (Example: a joint cultural event,
for which the Association and one or more bodies
representing the interests of the aforementioned
institutions may work until the event is held
and accounts are settled; at which stage the
partnership will cease to exist.)
A notice of proposed
amendments to the Constitution shall be given
at least 14 days prior to AGM or Special General
Meeting. Amendments to the constitution may
be made at the Annual General Meeting or Special
General Meeting provided such amendments are
supported by at least two thirds of the members
voted at the meeting.
The Association shall adopt a resolution, to
be passed by two-thirds majority of those voted
at an AGM/ Special Meeting of the association
provided that at least twenty one (21) days
notice has been given in writing to the General
14.2 In
the event of dissolution, the assets shall be
disposed to the college after clearing of all
debts and liabilities in accordance with the
provisions of the Act for dissolution prevails
at that time in England.
In circumstances
where the constitution is silent in relation
to any matter, the association at their AGM
shall decide on that matter.
Original Document
No: JHC OBA ( UK )/2002/Consti/
No & Initials |
Rev A |
Rev B |
and Clause No: |
Cl 2.9 revised, Cl 11.4 inserted, Cl 8.7.3
revised |